Monday, November 17, 2014

Maphack in Generals

What is Maphack ?

Maphack is a file that If inserted in game directory , helps the user or player to see things which are not in Fog of war. They can see what a normal user or player cannot see.

Thats the preview or view of Maphack player. He can see all the things in the map even they are not in fog of war.

To caught the maphack players there is a software introduced called Gentool.
To get Gentool Click the Gentool Picture.

Just install the Gentool program in your game folder and after game watch the game's reply. If the other player is maphack and If he attacks you If you are not in FOg od war then gentool will caught you or who ever is maphack.
There are some screen shots of Gentool working against maphack or caught the maphack user.

 In this 3mooo Ghost is the maphack user and attack using maphack to kill other player Gell A overlords tanks by his migs.This move is caught by Gentool software. Good work Gentool.

 In this 3mooo Ghost is the maphack user and attack using maphack to kill other player Haseeb Ayaz  USA infantry RPG  by his nuke cannon.This move is caught by Gentool software.

List of maphackers

(Click to see the list of maphackers)


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